Simon Heeke
Simon Heeke:
Invited Speakers
Simon Heeke received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in molecular medicine from the Medical University in Innsbruck, Austria, followed by a PhD in cell biology from the University Côte d’Azur in Nice, under the supervision of Pr. Paul Hofman. After his postdoctoral fellowship in the laboratory of John V. Heymach in the Department of Thoracic Head & Neck Medical Oncology at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, he joined faculty as assistant professor in the same department in 2023. Dr. Heeke’s research focuses on the development of innovative biomarkers in lung cancer, particularly in small-cell lung cancer and oncogene-driven non-small cell lung cancer. Dr. Heeke has a strong interest in liquid biopsy-based approaches and serves as the current chair of the young committee at the International Society for Liquid Biopsy.