ISLB 2023


Health and Safety

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Health and Safety

The health and safety of all those who attend ISLB 2023 is paramount. Our commitment is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all. And so, with each of your well-being in mind, while the use of masks will not be mandatory, we place our trust in the discretion of each individual’s judgment.

No, vaccinations are no longer required to attend in-person.

  • ISLB is recommending that all attendees, exhibitors, vendors, and ISLB Staff wear a face mask while in The Melia Castilla, or any facility hosting an ISLB-sponsored event or meeting, or while attending ISLB hosted/sponsored events or meetings.
  • Recommended masks should be at least 2 layers of breathable fabric or hospital grade material, fully covers the nose, nostrils, mouth and fits firmly under the chin, and fits snugly, but comfortably against the side of the face.

When gathering within the premises, all attendees must wear their badge. Once admitted, it is recommended that attendees also:

  • Practice physical distancing when feasible, and possible i.e., stay at least six (6) feet from other people;
  • Wear an acceptable face mask.
  • Practice good hygiene and sanitation.
  • Refrain from greeting others with handshaking, hugging, or other unnecessary person-to-person contact.

When gathering within the premises, attendees are REQUIRED to:

Immediately notify on-site ISLB staff if any signs of COVID-19 like symptoms, including but not limited to fever, coughing or shortness of breath, are present after entering the Premises. If any of these or other COVID-19 related symptoms present, you should remove yourself from close proximity of physical contact with others, wear a mask, and seek medical attention immediately.