ISLB 2023


Noelia Tarazona

Noelia Tarazona: Spain
Categories: Invited Speakers
In 2007, I earned my MD degree from the University of Valencia. Following that, I completed my medical training in Oncology at the Hospital Clinico Universitario in Valencia, Spain, under the mentorship of Professor Andrés Cervantes. In 2012, I pursued postgraduate studies in Molecular Oncology, with a particular focus on translational research in Gastrointestinal Cancer. To further enhance my knowledge in this field, I undertook a Master’s Degree in Immuno-Oncology at the University of Navarra in 2019.
In 2013, I was awarded the ESMO Translational Research Fellowship and subsequently joined the Gastrointestinal Unit at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and The Institute of Cancer Research in London. During my two-year fellowship, under the guidance of Professors David Cunningham and Nicholas Turner, I was actively engaged in various clinical research projects in early drug development and gastrointestinal cancer. My work was specifically centered on understanding the FGFR signaling pathway as a potential therapeutic target for breast and gastric cancer.
Starting in 2015, I progressively shifted my focus toward liquid biopsy and its role in providing valuable insights into minimal residual disease, tumor genotyping, molecular mechanisms of treatment resistance, and potential therapeutic targets across different cancer types. I obtained my PhD in July 2019. Presently, I am actively involved in setting up the CIBERONC Liquid Biopsy Working Module in Spain.
In 2017, I achieved the Certificate of Excellence from the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) after successfully passing an exam in Madrid. This recognition led to my selection to participate in the 2018 ESMO Leaders Generation Programme. Currently, I am an active member of the ESMO Translational Research and Precision Medicine Working Group. I serve as the principal investigator for several translational projects funded by Mutua Madrileña, SEOM, ISCIII, and TTD. Additionally, I hold a position on the Executive Committee of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) + MIR.