ISLB 2023


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Who is APOSHO?

The Asia-Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organisation (APOSHO) is an international body composed of non-profit professional organisations devoted to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. Although full membership is given to non-governmental organisations in the Asia-Pacific region, any occupational safety and health organisations, even in the regions other than the Asia-Pacific, can join the APOSHO as associate or affiliate members. 

The first APOSHO Annual Conference took place in Singapore in August 1985 by the suggestion of chairperson of the National Safety Council of Australia. It was called initially “the Coordinating Committee of Asia-Pacific National Safety Councils” and later in 1992 renamed as now at the 8th Annual Conference. Members as of 2020 : 39 organisations from 21 different countries or districts. Two or more member organisations from Australia, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mauritius, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. respectively.

The annual conference of the APOSHO is held by turns on a voluntary basis by members. It will be held in Shah Alam, Malaysia in 2023.

Past Conferences

For full details on past APOSHO Conferences, please visit our website.