ISLB 2023

Paul Hofman

Paul Hofman: France
Categories: Invited Speakers

Paul Hofman, MD, PhD, is Professor of Pathology at the University Côte D’Azur (Nice, France). He is the Head of the Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Pathology at Louis Pasteur Hospital and Director of the Research team 4 at the Inserm U1081/CNRS 7284 center (Comprehensive Cancer Center Antoine Lacassagne, Fr). He is the Director of the MSc Biobanks and Complex Data Management. He is the Head of the OncoAge consortium ( at the University Côte d’Azur. His main field of interest during these last few years focused on lung cancer pathophysiology, including the assessment of different predictive biomarkers using tissue and liquid biopsies. He is a member of the Royal Academia of Medicine in Brussels.